
At BYDS we have an amazing collection of ancillary activities, students experience music, art, science, Hebrew, and physical growth and development. As they progress through school our students enjoy even more time in these specialty courses.

BYDS specialist programs provide students with additional opportunities to lead, imagine, create, and shine during the school day. All specialist courses support and enhance the core curricular lessons taught at each grade level, and in each grade, they integrate with core instruction for certain major projects.

RESPECT holding hands


You will find art everywhere at BYDS, not just inside our daylit art lab. Students are given the chance to connect to their creative self and at the same time build their self-esteem. They are encouraged…



The music program at BYDS instills an appreciation and understanding of different styles of music. Each grade level leads a beautiful Shabbat service once during the school year. The children also prepare…

ES Science 2nd grade


From Infants through 5th Grade, science is taught in classrooms, in the Science Lab Jr., and in our upper grades Science Lab following the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) curriculum. Students learn by doing, not memorizing – the program incorporates authentic, hands-on science and engineering experiments and projects.



In Early Childhood, students practice Hebrew in song, in the synagogue, and through holiday and life cycle-oriented activities. All grades in Early Childhood experience an engaging Shabbat program on Friday…

Maccabiah 2017-2018

Physical Education

This program promotes lifelong wellness that engages students of all skill levels. Our coach teaches skills in a fun, non-competitive way so students feel challenged and have fun during PE. Starting in Pre-K…

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The library is an instructional center and service agency that is built in to support the curriculum of the school. From the very beginning when we start teaching kids in kindergarten, we want them to become…


You will find art everywhere at BYDS, not just inside our daylit art lab. Students are given the chance to connect to their creative self and at the same time build their self-esteem. They are encouraged to become creative problem solvers as they find a solution to a problem that does not have only one right answer. Throughout the year the children will experiment with a variety of art materials as they learn new skills and techniques. They will be exposed to great works of art as they develop an understanding of the elements of art and principles of design. Several of the projects created in art will be integrated with what they are learning in both their secular and Judaica classes. One of the highlights of the art program is that every student will be introduced to basic ceramic techniques as they create a special holiday project out of clay that will be fired in the school kiln. As you pass through the BYDS hallways you will always find the artistic talent of our students displayed throughout the school!


The music program at BYDS instills an appreciation and understanding of different styles of music. Each grade level leads a beautiful Shabbat service once during the school year. The children also prepare for our annual Thanksgiving program and other special events throughout the year. Musical theory and basic note reading are introduced to our students starting at the age of 3. Students in grades 2-5 are welcome to join choir — an extra-curricular ensemble that performs throughout the school year at synagogue occasions, school programs and community events.


In Early Childhood, students practice Hebrew in song, in the synagogue, and through holiday and life cycle-oriented activities. All grades in Early Childhood experience an engaging Shabbat program on Friday mornings starting in the CDO program. Twos and Threes students participate in Hebrew classes once a week; in Pre-K they begin to visit Hebrew class for two periods per week. During Hebrew classes, they engage in various modalities of learning including art and music. Hebrew language exposure incorporates a strong spiral curriculum based on the 5 Cs of the World-Readiness for learning languages: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities. Our mission is to teach traditional knowledge and promote meaningful experiences. We promote pride in our Jewish heritage and commitment to our people and moral principles.

Physical Education

This program promotes lifelong wellness that engages students of all skill levels. Our coach teaches skills in a fun, non-competitive way so students feel challenged and have fun during PE. Starting in Pre-K, children are taught appropriate skills to succeed in various sporting activities, where they are encouraged to participate and strive to do their best. Each month focuses on a different unit that includes but not limited to basketball, soccer, Jump Rope for Heart, baseball, fitness workouts, and team-building activities. Each grade follows the same unit and depending on the grade/skill level, adjustments to the unit are made to accommodate the students. Our students are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and cooperation.


The library is an instructional center and service agency that is built in to support the curriculum of the school. From the very beginning when we start teaching kids in kindergarten, we want them to become information literate in their journey of reading both for instruction and pleasure and well acquainted with a libraries purpose as well as enhance their future knowledge. Our library provides a “Book Fair” twice a year to our families. The librarian selects books appropriate for the reading levels of each grade. A “Young Authors’ Celebration” is planned yearly, bringing published authors, illustrators and creative artists for young audiences from across the country to our school to provide interactive workshops. The library also hosts Celebrate Texas Day every spring. It is truly the hub of our school.

Ready for a tour?
Schedule a tour online to see how we START learning HERE.
Principles of Good Practice INFO
The Board adheres to the "Principles of Good Practice" established by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). The Principles provide guidelines for the Board to use in carrying out its responsibilities.
BYDS is a place…
Where curiosity rules. Where children learn to honor timeless traditions and think for themselves. Where they are encouraged to ask bold questions, confront paradox and discover new connections. Welcome to a place that links heritage and history and students yearn to engage the world.
Beth Yeshurun not only provided me with an excellent early education, but I was also exposed to teachers who taught...
Jack Segal Academy - Houston, TX
Beth Yeshurun not only provided me with an excellent early education, but I was also exposed to teachers who taught and reinforced fundamental Jewish values...
Throughout my education at BYDS, I was surrounded by a warm and nurturing environment that fostered a love of learning...
Jack Segal Academy - Houston, TX
Throughout my education at BYDS, I was surrounded by a warm and nurturing environment that fostered a love of learning in a wide variety of Jewish and secular areas.
My favorite subject is Judaic Studies. Look – I’ve got friends at every school around this area, but the way...
Jack Segal Academy - Houston, TX
My favorite subject is Judaic Studies. Look – I’ve got friends at every school around this area, but the way we do Judaics makes Beth Yeshurun perfect for me.
The teachers I’ve had have all made learning fun…They simplify the more complicated concepts and make them easier to understand.
Jack Segal Academy - Houston, TX
The teachers I’ve had have all made learning fun…They simplify the more complicated concepts and make them easier to understand.
BYDS more than educated me, it helped shape my character. Jewish day school’s influence reaches far beyond the years we...
Jack Segal Academy - Houston, TX
BYDS more than educated me, it helped shape my character. Jewish day school’s influence reaches far beyond the years we spend at school.
Jack Segal Academy - Houston, TX